The vampire Turel. The creature Elzevir.

He remembered them. He was them.

As he stood before the mirror, the light from the boarded-up window highlighted his handsome features.

I am Turelzevir.

Turel’s face, teeth, claws and hooves. Elzevir’s body, arms, torso, legs. The Turelim insignia shining from his chest.

I am Turelzevir.

Their memories, their thoughts, I have my makers within me.

I am Turelzevir.

Are they my makers? My parents? Me?

I am Turelzevir.

He didn’t understand. He knew where he was, Elzevir the Dollmaker’s mansion. He knew when he was, years into the past, the era of The Circle, millennia before Lord Kain…. Father… Grandfather?... would build his great Empire.

He raised the object in his claws, the small fabric doll. He felt the soul imprisoned within it, waiting to do his bidding. The voice of Elzevir drifted into his mind.

“Will the soul, Turelzevir. Will it, command it, it is your servant, it is your destiny.”

“Use the soul! Use the soul! Don’t be a sucka, use the soul! Do it fool!” the deep loud memory of Turel asserted.

Turelzevir let his mind control the doll. Will the doll.

The yellow dress at the bottom of the doll glowed, a gentle pink-purple aura formed around it. From the head of the doll, a small model of a girl’s head, the flux of magical energy erupted for a small distance.

As if it were, somehow, someway, a magical spirit sword.

“The Doll Reaver Turelzevir.” the memory of Elzevir whispered. “The soul is mine, I earned it, Ottmar gave it to me. And here is the result, the greatest weapon ever forged, I and Turel’s great work. The Doll Reaver.”

“Listen sucka!” the memory of Turel’s voice interrupted, much more loudly. “The Doll Reaver means that no fools, no humans, vampires, and forces of darkness, can get the betta of ya! And if they try to…. Destroy the fool! Destroy the fool!”

The memories faded. Were the even memories? Messages?

Turelzevir didn’t understand. How do people put together a hundred jigsaws with only a few pieces? They don’t.

Or, they cheat.

So, they made me? Did they? Then where are they, I can feel the emptiness of this Mansion, nothing else is alive here. Why?

“The world sucka, the world!”

The world… to save the world…. Or to dominate it!?

He looked again in the mirror.

I am Turelzevir. I have the Doll Reaver, one of the most powerful weapons in Nosgoth at my disposal. And if that were not enough, the magic and wisdom of Elzevir and the raw strength and attitude of Turel mean that…I am all-powerful.

I do not know what they intended when they made me. But I do know what I intend to do. I am strong, powerful, and brilliant.

I am evil!

Let the creatures of the worlds suffer beneath me. Let those who oppose me feel the wrath of the Doll Reaver. Let those who do not oppose me accept me… as… their… god!

I am Turelzevir… The most EVIL force in the UNIVERSE! Mwahahahahahahahaha!

The laugh was loud, exaggerated, unnecessarily dramatic and evil. The mirror smashed, perhaps from the volume of the laugh, perhaps out of embarrassment.

Turelzevir was born.

Continue... > >____